Everything starts with a word
The same word ends it all.
How can a word build a world
And the same causes it to fall?
Wanting me to write a word
of love and hate to say it all.
A word no one has heard
or written on paper or wall.
I shouldn't have said a word.
Words are ever my fall
from the Nite like a Bird.
Enthralled in lovers brawl.
I've been called many a word
non that mattered at all.
The last I have heard
went deep into my soul.
I'm not going to say a word,
comment or scrawl.
My words might be slurred
from pain or alcohol.
This is the last of my word
to the world and to all
who might recall that words
hurt and bring oneself to fall.
Everything ended with a word
of farewell as you recall.
Don't forget the words you have heard
when we danced together in my hall.