One of the many things I love about sex are those moments of silence that come after. They can be one of the most peaceful moments of tranquility when the vale of lies comes breaking down. We all live in a box of pretend, trying to project unto others what we want them to perceive of us. However on rare occasions do we bring down those walls of deceit and confess our feelings and experiences to that other. In most instances this moment of truth comes right after we have had our essence spilled inside a partner. Right after that exhale comes those moments of silence and peace. A make for some or a break for others.
A Poem on the subject:
Moments of silence come thereafter
Moments of peace and tranquillity
when vales of lies come breaking down.
We all live in a box of pretend
We all try to project unto others
what we want them to perceive.
On rare occasions do walls come down
On rare occasions do confessions fall
do we tell of experiences to that other.
Those moments of truth come right after
Those moments of lust and pleasure
after our essence is spilled inside.
After that exhale comes those moments
Afterwards moments of silence and peace
a make for some or a break for others.